A hug is a wonderful gift to share,
A way to show each other we care,
There is so much a hug is able to do,
When you feel those arms holding you.
A hug is a place to feel safe and warm,
A comfort for a sad heart that is hurt and torn;
An expression of love in our heart
For ones who we wish, never to be apart.
A hug is a greeting when we meet to say hello,
or say goodbye when we have to go;
It can hold us up when life gets us down,
And make us smile instead of frown.
A hug can be given for no reason at all,
And given to those both big and small,
We are never to old to feel the joy it brings,
As it is life's most pleasing things.
A hug costs nothing, yet means so much to me;
We should hug another and show we care,
For to feel a warm hug nothing can compare.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
I like you because of who you are to me
Sunday, July 25, 2010
You will find as you look back
upon your life that the moments
that stand out, the moments
when you really lived are the
moments when you have
done things in a spirit
of love.
- Henry Drummond
upon your life that the moments
that stand out, the moments
when you really lived are the
moments when you have
done things in a spirit
of love.
- Henry Drummond
Thursday, July 22, 2010
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
"You never conquer a mountain. You stand on the summit a few moments; then the wind blows your footprints away."
-Arlene Blum
“The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become.”
Ben Herbste
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
This is attitude
"You never conquer a mountain. You stand on the summit a few moments; then the wind blows your footprints away."
-Arlene Blum
“The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become.”
Ben Herbste
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Friendship bond
The bond of friendship that I have with you
is one richly blessed,
As, it is one that has survived,
as it passed every friendship test.
You and I've remained friends
in the good times, as well as bad,
Your pledge of loyalty, as a friend
is the trust I have ever had!
is one richly blessed,
As, it is one that has survived,
as it passed every friendship test.
You and I've remained friends
in the good times, as well as bad,
Your pledge of loyalty, as a friend
is the trust I have ever had!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his
way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost
his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water! . She thought he
looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so
slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?"
You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never
to accept pay for a kindness."
He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart."
As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically,
but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to
give up and quit.
Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The
local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city,
where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.
Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the
name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.
Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.
Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.
He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to
save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won.
Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him
for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge, and
the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure
it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she
looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill.
She read these words ...
"Paid in full with one glass of milk"
(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You,
God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."
There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the
water comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or
someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the
deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And,
after all, isn't that what life is all about?
Now you have two choices.
1. You can send this page on and spread a positive message.
2. Or ignore it and pretend it never touched your heart.
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which
-- To burn .
"What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it."
-Amelia Earhart
way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost
his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water! . She thought he
looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so
slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?"
You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never
to accept pay for a kindness."
He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart."
As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically,
but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to
give up and quit.
Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The
local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city,
where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.
Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the
name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.
Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.
Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.
He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to
save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won.
Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him
for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge, and
the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure
it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she
looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill.
She read these words ...
"Paid in full with one glass of milk"
(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You,
God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."
There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the
water comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or
someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the
deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And,
after all, isn't that what life is all about?
Now you have two choices.
1. You can send this page on and spread a positive message.
2. Or ignore it and pretend it never touched your heart.
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which
-- To burn .
"What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it."
-Amelia Earhart
There are many things that we can do to perk up and strengthen our interpersonal relationships. Yet the most effective involves the saying of just three words. When spoken or conveyed, these statements have the power to forge new friendships, deepen old ones and restore relationships that have cooled. The following three-word phrases can
enrich every relationship.
I'll Be There: If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night, to take a sick child to hospital, or when your car has broken down some miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase "I'll be there." Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give when we are truly present for other people, important things
happen to them and us. We are renewed in love and friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. Being there is at the very core of civility.
I Miss You: Perhaps more marriages could be saved and strengthened if couples simply and sincerely said to each other "I miss you." This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired and loved. Consider how ecstatic you would feel, if you received an unexpected phone call from your spouse in the middle of your workday, just
to say "I miss you".
I Respect You: Respect is another way of showing love. Respect conveys the feeling that another person is a true equal. If you talk to your children as if they were adults you will strengthen the bonds and become close friends. This applies to all inter-personal relationships.
Maybe You're Right: This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side to "Maybe you're right" is the humility of admitting, "Maybe I'm wrong". Let's face it, when you have a heated argument with someone, all you do is cement the other person's point of view. They, or you, will not change their/your stance and you run the risk of seriously damaging the relationship between you. Saying "Maybe you're right" can open the door to further explore the subject, in which you may then have the opportunity to get your view across in a more rational manner.
Please Forgive Me: Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. All of us are vulnerable to faults, foibles and failures. A man should never be ashamed to own up that he has been in the wrong, which is saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
I Thank You: Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. People who enjoy the companionship of good, close friends are those who don't take daily courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness. On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often do not have the attitude of
Count On Me: A friend is one who walks in, when others walk out. Loyalty is an essential ingredient for true friendship; it is the emotional glue that bonds people. Those who are rich in their relationships tend to be steady and true friends. When troubles come, a good friend is there indicating you can "count on me."
Let Me Help: The best of friends see a need and try to fill it. When they spot a hurt they do what they can to heal it. Without being asked, they pitch in and help.
I Understand You: People become closer and enjoy each other more if they feel the other person accepts and understands them. Letting your spouse know in so many little ways that you understand her/him, is one of the most powerful tools for healing your relationship. This applies to any relationship.
I Love You: Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person's deepest emotional needs; the need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted. Your family, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words. "I love you."
The least we can do as individuals is to motivate and inspire another human being!
A candle loses nothing by lighting another!
enrich every relationship.
I'll Be There: If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night, to take a sick child to hospital, or when your car has broken down some miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase "I'll be there." Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give when we are truly present for other people, important things
happen to them and us. We are renewed in love and friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. Being there is at the very core of civility.
I Miss You: Perhaps more marriages could be saved and strengthened if couples simply and sincerely said to each other "I miss you." This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired and loved. Consider how ecstatic you would feel, if you received an unexpected phone call from your spouse in the middle of your workday, just
to say "I miss you".
I Respect You: Respect is another way of showing love. Respect conveys the feeling that another person is a true equal. If you talk to your children as if they were adults you will strengthen the bonds and become close friends. This applies to all inter-personal relationships.
Maybe You're Right: This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side to "Maybe you're right" is the humility of admitting, "Maybe I'm wrong". Let's face it, when you have a heated argument with someone, all you do is cement the other person's point of view. They, or you, will not change their/your stance and you run the risk of seriously damaging the relationship between you. Saying "Maybe you're right" can open the door to further explore the subject, in which you may then have the opportunity to get your view across in a more rational manner.
Please Forgive Me: Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. All of us are vulnerable to faults, foibles and failures. A man should never be ashamed to own up that he has been in the wrong, which is saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
I Thank You: Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. People who enjoy the companionship of good, close friends are those who don't take daily courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness. On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often do not have the attitude of
Count On Me: A friend is one who walks in, when others walk out. Loyalty is an essential ingredient for true friendship; it is the emotional glue that bonds people. Those who are rich in their relationships tend to be steady and true friends. When troubles come, a good friend is there indicating you can "count on me."
Let Me Help: The best of friends see a need and try to fill it. When they spot a hurt they do what they can to heal it. Without being asked, they pitch in and help.
I Understand You: People become closer and enjoy each other more if they feel the other person accepts and understands them. Letting your spouse know in so many little ways that you understand her/him, is one of the most powerful tools for healing your relationship. This applies to any relationship.
I Love You: Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person's deepest emotional needs; the need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted. Your family, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words. "I love you."
The least we can do as individuals is to motivate and inspire another human being!
A candle loses nothing by lighting another!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
to help you each day............
Toothpick ... to remind you to pick the good qualities in everyone,including yourself.
Rubber band ... to remind you to be flexible. Things might not always go the way you want, but it can be worked out.
Band-Aid ... to remind you to heal hurt feelings, either yours or someone else's.
Eraser ... to remind you everyone makes mistakes. That's okay, we learn by our errors.
Candy Kiss ... to remind you everyone needs a hug or a compliment everyday.
Mint ... to remind you that you are worth a mint to your family & Me.
Bubble Gum ... to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.
Pencil ... to remind you to list your blessings every day.
Tea Bag ... to remind you to take time to relax daily.
This is what makes life worth living every minute, every day
Wishing you love, gratitude, friends to cherish, caring, sharing, laughter, music, and warm feelings in your heart.
I know this kit will help you get through the day.
to help you each day............
Toothpick ... to remind you to pick the good qualities in everyone,including yourself.
Rubber band ... to remind you to be flexible. Things might not always go the way you want, but it can be worked out.
Band-Aid ... to remind you to heal hurt feelings, either yours or someone else's.
Eraser ... to remind you everyone makes mistakes. That's okay, we learn by our errors.
Candy Kiss ... to remind you everyone needs a hug or a compliment everyday.
Mint ... to remind you that you are worth a mint to your family & Me.
Bubble Gum ... to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.
Pencil ... to remind you to list your blessings every day.
Tea Bag ... to remind you to take time to relax daily.
This is what makes life worth living every minute, every day
Wishing you love, gratitude, friends to cherish, caring, sharing, laughter, music, and warm feelings in your heart.
I know this kit will help you get through the day.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Quick Laugh For Five Minutes
Teacher : History is a very interesting subject. It tells you about what had happened in the past.
Student : Please teacher, I don't think I want to study history.
Teacher : Why?
Student : There is no future in it.
Teacher : Ted, if your father has $10 and you ask him for $6, how much would your father still have?
Ted : $10.
Teacher : You don't know maths.
Ted : You don't know my father!
Mother : David, come here.
David : Yes, mum?
Mother : You really disappoint me. Your results are getting worse.
David : But I will only get my report book tomorrow.
Mother : I know that. But I am going to Hong Kong tomorrow, so I am scolding you now.
Father : Why did you fail your mathematics test?
Son : On Monday, teacher said 3+5=8
Father : So?
Son : On Tuesday, she said 4+4=8 and on Wednesday, she said 6+2=8. If she can't make up her mind, how do I know the right answer?
A mother and son were doing dishes while the father and daughter were watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, there was a loud crash of breaking plates, then complete silence. The daughter turned to look at her father.
Daughter : It's mummy!
Father : How do you know?
Daughter : She didn't say anything.
Girl: Do you love me?
Boy: Yes Dear
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: No, mine is undying love
Man: How old is your father?
Boy: As old as me
Man: How can that be?
Boy: He became a father only when I was born
Waiter: I've stewed liver, boiled tongue and frog's leg.
Customer: Don't tell me your problems. Give me the menu card.
Teacher : Simon, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did u copy his?
Simon : No, teacher, it's the same dog!
Father : Your teacher says she finds it impossible to teach you anything!
Son : That's why I say she's no good!
Teacher: "Where was u born?"
Student: “Singapore, Sir."
Teacher: "Which part?"
Student: "All of me, Sir."
A teacher was asking her class: "What is the difference between 'unlawful' and 'illegal'?" Only one hand shot up. "Ok, answer, Joan" said the teacher. "'unlawful' is when u do something the law doesn't allow and 'illegal' is a sick eagle."
Teacher: "How come you do not comb your hair?"
Ah Kow: "No comb, Sir."
Teacher: "Use your dad's then."
Ah Kow: "No hair, Sir."
A boy came home from school with his exam results.
"What did u get?" asked his father.
"My marks are under water," said the boy.
"What does u mean 'under water'?"
"They are all below 'C' (sea) level"
Student : Please teacher, I don't think I want to study history.
Teacher : Why?
Student : There is no future in it.
Teacher : Ted, if your father has $10 and you ask him for $6, how much would your father still have?
Ted : $10.
Teacher : You don't know maths.
Ted : You don't know my father!
Mother : David, come here.
David : Yes, mum?
Mother : You really disappoint me. Your results are getting worse.
David : But I will only get my report book tomorrow.
Mother : I know that. But I am going to Hong Kong tomorrow, so I am scolding you now.
Father : Why did you fail your mathematics test?
Son : On Monday, teacher said 3+5=8
Father : So?
Son : On Tuesday, she said 4+4=8 and on Wednesday, she said 6+2=8. If she can't make up her mind, how do I know the right answer?
A mother and son were doing dishes while the father and daughter were watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, there was a loud crash of breaking plates, then complete silence. The daughter turned to look at her father.
Daughter : It's mummy!
Father : How do you know?
Daughter : She didn't say anything.
Girl: Do you love me?
Boy: Yes Dear
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: No, mine is undying love
Man: How old is your father?
Boy: As old as me
Man: How can that be?
Boy: He became a father only when I was born
Waiter: I've stewed liver, boiled tongue and frog's leg.
Customer: Don't tell me your problems. Give me the menu card.
Teacher : Simon, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did u copy his?
Simon : No, teacher, it's the same dog!
Father : Your teacher says she finds it impossible to teach you anything!
Son : That's why I say she's no good!
Teacher: "Where was u born?"
Student: “Singapore, Sir."
Teacher: "Which part?"
Student: "All of me, Sir."
A teacher was asking her class: "What is the difference between 'unlawful' and 'illegal'?" Only one hand shot up. "Ok, answer, Joan" said the teacher. "'unlawful' is when u do something the law doesn't allow and 'illegal' is a sick eagle."
Teacher: "How come you do not comb your hair?"
Ah Kow: "No comb, Sir."
Teacher: "Use your dad's then."
Ah Kow: "No hair, Sir."
A boy came home from school with his exam results.
"What did u get?" asked his father.
"My marks are under water," said the boy.
"What does u mean 'under water'?"
"They are all below 'C' (sea) level"
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Portrait of a Friend
I can't give solutions to all of
life's problems, doubts, or fears.
But I can listen to you and
together we will search for answers.
I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with it's untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can't keep your
feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand
that you may grasp it
and not fall.
Your joys, triumps, success,
and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.
I can't prevent you from
falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you,
talk to you, and wait for you.
I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.
I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.
I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.
I can't give solutions to all of
life's problems, doubts, or fears.
But I can listen to you and
together we will search for answers.
I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with it's untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can't keep your
feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand
that you may grasp it
and not fall.
Your joys, triumps, success,
and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.
I can't prevent you from
falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you,
talk to you, and wait for you.
I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.
I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.
I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.
life's problems, doubts, or fears.
But I can listen to you and
together we will search for answers.
I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with it's untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can't keep your
feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand
that you may grasp it
and not fall.
Your joys, triumps, success,
and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.
I can't prevent you from
falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you,
talk to you, and wait for you.
I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.
I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.
I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.
I can't give solutions to all of
life's problems, doubts, or fears.
But I can listen to you and
together we will search for answers.
I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with it's untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can't keep your
feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand
that you may grasp it
and not fall.
Your joys, triumps, success,
and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.
I can't prevent you from
falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you,
talk to you, and wait for you.
I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.
I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.
I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.
Wedding Invitation
Mrs. and Mr. Sambhar Chatni
Request the pleasure of the company of
Mrs. & Mr. Idli
On the occasion of the Marriage of their grandson
(Son of Mrs. & Mr. Masala Dosa)
(Daughter of Mrs. & Mr. Bhel Puri)
on 30th February 2011, at 12.00 a.m.
Dahi Wada Hall
Samosa Building
Cham Cham Road
Opposite Papad Theatre
Mumbai Rasgulla 400 000
Res. : "Nariyal ka Chatni"
Paneer Rd.
Chola Battura Avenue
Mumbai Dhokla 400 111
Tel. 91-22-2561118241
e-mail: loosemotions@ toi-let.com
Request the pleasure of the company of
Mrs. & Mr. Idli
On the occasion of the Marriage of their grandson
(Son of Mrs. & Mr. Masala Dosa)
(Daughter of Mrs. & Mr. Bhel Puri)
on 30th February 2011, at 12.00 a.m.
Dahi Wada Hall
Samosa Building
Cham Cham Road
Opposite Papad Theatre
Mumbai Rasgulla 400 000
Res. : "Nariyal ka Chatni"
Paneer Rd.
Chola Battura Avenue
Mumbai Dhokla 400 111
Tel. 91-22-2561118241
e-mail: loosemotions@ toi-let.com
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Phenomenal Wonders Of The Natural World
Sailing Stones
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The mysterious moving stones of the packed-mud desert of Death Valley have been a center of scientific controversy for decades.
Rocks weighing up to hundreds of pounds
have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time.
Some scientists have proposed
that a combination of strong winds and surface ice account for these movements.
However, this theory does not explain evidence of
different rocks starting side by side
and moving at different rates and in disparate directions.
Moreover, the physics calculations do not fully support this theory
as wind speeds of hundreds of miles per hour
would be needed to move some of the stones.
Columnar Basalt

When a thick lava flow cools, it contracts vertically
but cracks perpendicular to its directional flow with remarkable geometric regularity
- in most cases forming a regular grid of remarkable hexagonal extrusions
that almost appear to be made by man.
One of the most famous such examples is
the Giant's Causeway on the coast of Ireland (shown above),
though the largest and most widely recognized
would be Devil's Tower in Wyoming.
Basalt also forms different but equally fascinating ways
when eruptions are exposed to air or water.
Blue Holes

Blue holes are giant and sudden drops in underwater elevation
that get their name from the dark and foreboding blue tone they exhibit
when viewed from above in relationship to surrounding waters.
They can be hundreds of feet deep
and while divers are able to explore some of them
they are largely devoid of oxygen that would support sea life
due to poor water circulation - leaving them eerily empty.
Some blue holes, however, contain
ancient fossil remains that have been discovered, preserved in their depths.
Red Tides

Red tides are also known as algal blooms
- sudden influxes of massive amounts of colored single-cell algae
that can convert entire areas of an ocean or beach into a blood red color.
While some of these can be relatively harmless,
others can be harbingers of deadly toxins
that cause the deaths of fish, birds and marine mammals.
In some cases, even humans have been harmed by red tides
though no human exposure are known to have been fatal.
While they can be fatal,
the constituent phytoplankton in ride tides are not harmful in small numbers.
Ice Circles

While many see these apparently perfect ice circles
as worthy of conspiracy theorizing,
scientists generally accept that they are formed
by eddies in the water that spin a sizable piece of ice in a circular motion.
As a result of this rotation,
other pieces of ice and flotsam wear relatively evenly at the edges of the ice
until it slowly forms into an essentially ideal circle.
Ice circles have been seen with diameters of over 500 feet
and can also at times be found
in clusters and groups of different sizes as shown above.
Mammatus Clouds

True to their ominous appearance,
mammatus clouds are often harbingers
of a coming storm or other extreme weather system.
Typically composed primarily of ice,
they can extend for hundreds of miles in each direction
and individual formations can remain visibly static
for ten to fifteen minutes at a time.
While they may appear foreboding
they are merely the messengers
- appearing around, before or even after severe weather.
Fire Rainbows

A circumhorizontal fire rainbow arc occurs at
a rare confluence of right time and right place for the sun and certain clouds.
Crystals within the clouds refract light
into the various visible waves of the spectrum
but only if they are arrayed correctly relative to the ground below.
Due to the rarity
with which all of these events happen in conjunction with one another,
there are relatively few remarkable photos of this phenomena.

Sinkholes are one of the world's scariest natural phenomena.
Over time, water erodes the soil under the planet's surface
until in some cases, quite suddenly,
the land above gives way and collapses into the earth.
Many sinkholes occur naturally
while others are the result of human intervention.
Displacing groundwater can open cavities
while broken pipes can erode otherwise stable subterranean sediments.
Urban sinkholes, up to hundreds of feet deep
have formed and consumed parts of city blocks, sidewalks and even entire buildings.

Named after peak-hooded New Mexican monks (lower right above),
penitentes are dazzling naturally-forming ice blades
that stick up at sharp angles toward the sun.
Rarely found except at high altitudes,
they can grow up taller than a human and form in vast fields.
As ice melts in particular patterns,
'valleys' formed by initial melts leave 'mountains' in their wake.
Strangely, these formations ultimately slow the melting process
as the peaks cast shadows on the deeper surfaces below
and allow for winds to blow over the peaks, cooling them.
Lenticular Clouds

Ever wonder the truth about UFOs?
Avoided by traditional pilots but loved by sailplane aviators,
lenticular clouds are masses of cloud
with strong internal uplift that can drive a motorless flyer to high elevations.
Their shape is quite often mistaken
for a mysterious flying object or the artificial cover for one.
Generally, lenticular clouds are formed
as wind speeds up while moving around a large land object such as a mountain.
Light Pillars

Light pillars appear as eerily upright luminous columns in the sky,
beacons cast into the air above without an apparent source..
These are visible when light reflects just right off of ice crystals
from either the sun (as in the two top images above)
or from artificial ground sources such as street or park lights.
Despite their appearance as near-solid columns of light,
the effect is entirely created by our own relative viewpoint.

Like light pillars, sundogs are the product of light passing through crystals.
The particular shape and orientation of the crystals
can have a drastic visual impact for the viewer,
producing a longer tail and changing the range of colors one sees.
The relative height of the sun in the sky
shifts the distance the sundogs appear to be on either side of the sun.
Varying climactic conditions on other planets in our solar system
produce halos with up to four sundogs from those planets' perspectives.
Sundogs have been speculated about and discussed since ancient times
and written records describing the various attributes of our sun
date back the Egyptians and Greeks.
Fire Whirls

Fire whirls (also known as fire devils or tornadoes)
appear in or around raging fires
when the right combination of climactic conditions is present.
Fire whirls can be spawned by other natural events
such as earthquakes and thunderstorms,
and can be incredibly dangerous,
in some cases spinning well out of the zone of a fire itself
to cause devastation and death in a radius not even reached by heat or flame.
Fire whirls have been known to be nearly a mile high,
have wind speeds of over 100 miles per hour
and to last for 20 or more minutes.
Orange Moons

This last phenomena is something most people have seen before
- beautiful orange moon hanging low in the sky.
But what causes this phenomena
- and, for that matter, does the moon have a color at all?
When the moon appears lower on the horizon,
rays of light bouncing off it
have to pass through a great deal more of our atmosphere
which slowly strips away everything but yellows, oranges and reds.
The bottommost image above is true to the hues of the moon
but has enhanced colors to more clearly show the differences in shade
that illustrate the mixed topography and minerology
that tell the story of the moon's surface.
Looking at the colors in combination with the craters
one can start to trace the history of impacts
and consequent material movements across the face of our mysterious moon.

The mysterious moving stones of the packed-mud desert of Death Valley have been a center of scientific controversy for decades.
Rocks weighing up to hundreds of pounds
have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time.
Some scientists have proposed
that a combination of strong winds and surface ice account for these movements.
However, this theory does not explain evidence of
different rocks starting side by side
and moving at different rates and in disparate directions.
Moreover, the physics calculations do not fully support this theory
as wind speeds of hundreds of miles per hour
would be needed to move some of the stones.
Columnar Basalt

When a thick lava flow cools, it contracts vertically
but cracks perpendicular to its directional flow with remarkable geometric regularity
- in most cases forming a regular grid of remarkable hexagonal extrusions
that almost appear to be made by man.
One of the most famous such examples is
the Giant's Causeway on the coast of Ireland (shown above),
though the largest and most widely recognized
would be Devil's Tower in Wyoming.
Basalt also forms different but equally fascinating ways
when eruptions are exposed to air or water.
Blue Holes

Blue holes are giant and sudden drops in underwater elevation
that get their name from the dark and foreboding blue tone they exhibit
when viewed from above in relationship to surrounding waters.
They can be hundreds of feet deep
and while divers are able to explore some of them
they are largely devoid of oxygen that would support sea life
due to poor water circulation - leaving them eerily empty.
Some blue holes, however, contain
ancient fossil remains that have been discovered, preserved in their depths.
Red Tides

Red tides are also known as algal blooms
- sudden influxes of massive amounts of colored single-cell algae
that can convert entire areas of an ocean or beach into a blood red color.
While some of these can be relatively harmless,
others can be harbingers of deadly toxins
that cause the deaths of fish, birds and marine mammals.
In some cases, even humans have been harmed by red tides
though no human exposure are known to have been fatal.
While they can be fatal,
the constituent phytoplankton in ride tides are not harmful in small numbers.
Ice Circles

While many see these apparently perfect ice circles
as worthy of conspiracy theorizing,
scientists generally accept that they are formed
by eddies in the water that spin a sizable piece of ice in a circular motion.
As a result of this rotation,
other pieces of ice and flotsam wear relatively evenly at the edges of the ice
until it slowly forms into an essentially ideal circle.
Ice circles have been seen with diameters of over 500 feet
and can also at times be found
in clusters and groups of different sizes as shown above.
Mammatus Clouds

True to their ominous appearance,
mammatus clouds are often harbingers
of a coming storm or other extreme weather system.
Typically composed primarily of ice,
they can extend for hundreds of miles in each direction
and individual formations can remain visibly static
for ten to fifteen minutes at a time.
While they may appear foreboding
they are merely the messengers
- appearing around, before or even after severe weather.
Fire Rainbows

A circumhorizontal fire rainbow arc occurs at
a rare confluence of right time and right place for the sun and certain clouds.
Crystals within the clouds refract light
into the various visible waves of the spectrum
but only if they are arrayed correctly relative to the ground below.
Due to the rarity
with which all of these events happen in conjunction with one another,
there are relatively few remarkable photos of this phenomena.

Sinkholes are one of the world's scariest natural phenomena.
Over time, water erodes the soil under the planet's surface
until in some cases, quite suddenly,
the land above gives way and collapses into the earth.
Many sinkholes occur naturally
while others are the result of human intervention.
Displacing groundwater can open cavities
while broken pipes can erode otherwise stable subterranean sediments.
Urban sinkholes, up to hundreds of feet deep
have formed and consumed parts of city blocks, sidewalks and even entire buildings.

Named after peak-hooded New Mexican monks (lower right above),
penitentes are dazzling naturally-forming ice blades
that stick up at sharp angles toward the sun.
Rarely found except at high altitudes,
they can grow up taller than a human and form in vast fields.
As ice melts in particular patterns,
'valleys' formed by initial melts leave 'mountains' in their wake.
Strangely, these formations ultimately slow the melting process
as the peaks cast shadows on the deeper surfaces below
and allow for winds to blow over the peaks, cooling them.
Lenticular Clouds

Ever wonder the truth about UFOs?
Avoided by traditional pilots but loved by sailplane aviators,
lenticular clouds are masses of cloud
with strong internal uplift that can drive a motorless flyer to high elevations.
Their shape is quite often mistaken
for a mysterious flying object or the artificial cover for one.
Generally, lenticular clouds are formed
as wind speeds up while moving around a large land object such as a mountain.
Light Pillars

Light pillars appear as eerily upright luminous columns in the sky,
beacons cast into the air above without an apparent source..
These are visible when light reflects just right off of ice crystals
from either the sun (as in the two top images above)
or from artificial ground sources such as street or park lights.
Despite their appearance as near-solid columns of light,
the effect is entirely created by our own relative viewpoint.

Like light pillars, sundogs are the product of light passing through crystals.
The particular shape and orientation of the crystals
can have a drastic visual impact for the viewer,
producing a longer tail and changing the range of colors one sees.
The relative height of the sun in the sky
shifts the distance the sundogs appear to be on either side of the sun.
Varying climactic conditions on other planets in our solar system
produce halos with up to four sundogs from those planets' perspectives.
Sundogs have been speculated about and discussed since ancient times
and written records describing the various attributes of our sun
date back the Egyptians and Greeks.
Fire Whirls

Fire whirls (also known as fire devils or tornadoes)
appear in or around raging fires
when the right combination of climactic conditions is present.
Fire whirls can be spawned by other natural events
such as earthquakes and thunderstorms,
and can be incredibly dangerous,
in some cases spinning well out of the zone of a fire itself
to cause devastation and death in a radius not even reached by heat or flame.
Fire whirls have been known to be nearly a mile high,
have wind speeds of over 100 miles per hour
and to last for 20 or more minutes.
Orange Moons

This last phenomena is something most people have seen before
- beautiful orange moon hanging low in the sky.
But what causes this phenomena
- and, for that matter, does the moon have a color at all?
When the moon appears lower on the horizon,
rays of light bouncing off it
have to pass through a great deal more of our atmosphere
which slowly strips away everything but yellows, oranges and reds.
The bottommost image above is true to the hues of the moon
but has enhanced colors to more clearly show the differences in shade
that illustrate the mixed topography and minerology
that tell the story of the moon's surface.
Looking at the colors in combination with the craters
one can start to trace the history of impacts
and consequent material movements across the face of our mysterious moon.
Safety Tips for women
An Australian Cop wrote this for women
Because of recent abductions
In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation... This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, everyone you know.
After reading these 9 crucial tips,
forward them to someone you care about.
It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do :
The elbow is the strongest point on your body.
If you are close enough to use it, do!
2.. Learned this from a tourist guide.
If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse,
Toss it away from you....
Chances are that he is more interested
in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse.
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car,
kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole
and start waving like crazy..
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will.
This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their carsafter shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their chequebook, or making a list, etc.
The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go.
If someone
is in the car
with a gun
to your head
Instead gun the engine
and speed into anything, wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it .
As soon as the car crashes bail out and run.
It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.
5. A few notes about getting
into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
A.) Be aware:
look around you, look into your car,
at the passenger side floor ,
and in the back seat
B.) If you are parked next to a big van,
enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims
by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
C.) Look at the car
parked on the driver's side of your vehicle,
and the passenger side... If a male is sitting alone
in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back
into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator
instead of the stairs.
Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)
7. If the predator has a gun
and you are not under his control,
The predator will only hit you (a running target)
4 in 100 times; and even then,
it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.
RUN, Preferably in a zig -zag pattern!
8. As women, we are always trying
to be sympathetic:
It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking,
well educated man, who ALWAYS played
on the sympathies of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often
asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted his next victim.
9. Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me that her friend heard
a crying baby on her porch the night before last,
and she called the police because it was late
and she thought it was weird.. The police told her
'Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door...'
The lady then said that it sounded like the baby
had crawled near a window, and she was worried
that it would crawl to the street and get run over.
The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way,
whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax
women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby.
He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that
they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night.
10. Water scam!
If you wake up in the middle
of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is aburst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your
outside taps full ball so that you will go out to investigate and then attack.
Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbours!
Please pass this on
This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because
the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on
America 's Most Wanted when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana
I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know.
It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle..
I was going to send this to the ladies only,
but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters,daughters, etc.,
you may want to pass it onto them, as well.
Send this to any woman you know that may need
to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it
and it's better to be safe than sorry..
Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or love one's life
Because of recent abductions
In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation... This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, everyone you know.
After reading these 9 crucial tips,
forward them to someone you care about.
It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do :
The elbow is the strongest point on your body.
If you are close enough to use it, do!
2.. Learned this from a tourist guide.
If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse,
Toss it away from you....
Chances are that he is more interested
in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse.
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car,
kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole
and start waving like crazy..
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will.
This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their carsafter shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their chequebook, or making a list, etc.
The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go.
If someone
is in the car
with a gun
to your head
Instead gun the engine
and speed into anything, wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it .
As soon as the car crashes bail out and run.
It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.
5. A few notes about getting
into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
A.) Be aware:
look around you, look into your car,
at the passenger side floor ,
and in the back seat
B.) If you are parked next to a big van,
enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims
by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
C.) Look at the car
parked on the driver's side of your vehicle,
and the passenger side... If a male is sitting alone
in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back
into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator
instead of the stairs.
Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)
7. If the predator has a gun
and you are not under his control,
The predator will only hit you (a running target)
4 in 100 times; and even then,
it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.
RUN, Preferably in a zig -zag pattern!
8. As women, we are always trying
to be sympathetic:
It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking,
well educated man, who ALWAYS played
on the sympathies of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often
asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted his next victim.
9. Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me that her friend heard
a crying baby on her porch the night before last,
and she called the police because it was late
and she thought it was weird.. The police told her
'Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door...'
The lady then said that it sounded like the baby
had crawled near a window, and she was worried
that it would crawl to the street and get run over.
The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way,
whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax
women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby.
He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that
they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night.
10. Water scam!
If you wake up in the middle
of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is aburst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your
outside taps full ball so that you will go out to investigate and then attack.
Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbours!
Please pass this on
This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because
the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on
America 's Most Wanted when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana
I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know.
It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle..
I was going to send this to the ladies only,
but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters,daughters, etc.,
you may want to pass it onto them, as well.
Send this to any woman you know that may need
to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it
and it's better to be safe than sorry..
Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or love one's life
Friday, July 9, 2010
Effects Of Cold Water
For those who like to drink cold water, this is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff we consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks- You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.
Do share this with your loved once.
A serious note about heart attacks- You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.
Do share this with your loved once.
Choose Your Feelings
The way you feel can tell you much about the world around you
And your relationship to it. Yet the way you feel is not who
You are.
Your emotions may seem to be so much a part of you that at
Times you cannot find anything else. Yet you are able at any
Time to change those emotions if you wish.
Always, at the heart of your being, you are in control. The
Emotions you experience are the emotions you create or
Just as you can allow your emotions to fill your awareness,
You can also allow them to drop cleanly and completely away.
When you've heard what your feelings have to say, you can
Choose to let go of them.
Or, if you're enjoying the way you feel, you can choose to
Continue feeling that way. The point is, you can choose.
Always remember that like your thoughts and actions, your
Feelings are your choice. Choose the ones that will move
Your life in the direction you most want to go.
And your relationship to it. Yet the way you feel is not who
You are.
Your emotions may seem to be so much a part of you that at
Times you cannot find anything else. Yet you are able at any
Time to change those emotions if you wish.
Always, at the heart of your being, you are in control. The
Emotions you experience are the emotions you create or
Just as you can allow your emotions to fill your awareness,
You can also allow them to drop cleanly and completely away.
When you've heard what your feelings have to say, you can
Choose to let go of them.
Or, if you're enjoying the way you feel, you can choose to
Continue feeling that way. The point is, you can choose.
Always remember that like your thoughts and actions, your
Feelings are your choice. Choose the ones that will move
Your life in the direction you most want to go.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Eight Gifts that Do Not Cost A penny!
But you must REALLY listen.
No interrupting, no daydreaming,
No planning your response.
Just listening.
Be generous with appropriate hugs,
Kisses, pats on the back, and handholds.
Let these small actions demonstrate the
Love you have for family and friends.
Clip cartoons.
Share articles and funny stories.
Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."
It can be a simple
"Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet.
A brief, handwritten note may be remembered
For a lifetime, and may even change a life.
A simple and sincere,
"You look great in red,"
"You did a super job,"
Or "That was a wonderful meal"
Can make some one's day.
Every day, go out of your way
To do something kind.
There are times when we want nothing better
Than to be left alone.
Be sensitive to those times and give
The gift of solitude to others.
The easiest way to feel good is
To extend a kind word to someone.
Really, it's not that hard to say,
Hello or Thank You.
But you must REALLY listen.
No interrupting, no daydreaming,
No planning your response.
Just listening.
Be generous with appropriate hugs,
Kisses, pats on the back, and handholds.
Let these small actions demonstrate the
Love you have for family and friends.
Clip cartoons.
Share articles and funny stories.
Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."
It can be a simple
"Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet.
A brief, handwritten note may be remembered
For a lifetime, and may even change a life.
A simple and sincere,
"You look great in red,"
"You did a super job,"
Or "That was a wonderful meal"
Can make some one's day.
Every day, go out of your way
To do something kind.
There are times when we want nothing better
Than to be left alone.
Be sensitive to those times and give
The gift of solitude to others.
The easiest way to feel good is
To extend a kind word to someone.
Really, it's not that hard to say,
Hello or Thank You.
Most of us do this.
You may have heard that a good friend of ours in Mequon lost their 25 year old son (Arun Gopal Ratnam) in a fire at home June 4th. This is what happened. He graduated with MBA from University of Wisconsin-Madison two weeks earlier and came home. Had a lunch with his dad at home and decided to go back to to clean up his room at school. Father told him to wait and see his mother before he goes back for a few days. He decided to take a snooze while waiting for his mom to come home from work.
Neighbors called 911 when they saw black smoke coming out of the house. Their 25 year old son Arun died in the three year old house. It took several days of investigation to find out the cause of the fire. It was determined that the fire was caused by lap top in the bed. When the lap top is on the bed cooling fan does not get air to cool the computer and that is what caused the fi re. He did not even wake up to get out of the bed he died of carbon monoxide.
The reason I writing this to all of you is that I have seen all of us using our lap top in bed. Let us all decide and make it a practice not to do that. Risk is real. Let us make it a rule not to use lap top in bed or put computer on bed with blankets and pillows around.
What a way to learn a lesson?
Neighbors called 911 when they saw black smoke coming out of the house. Their 25 year old son Arun died in the three year old house. It took several days of investigation to find out the cause of the fire. It was determined that the fire was caused by lap top in the bed. When the lap top is on the bed cooling fan does not get air to cool the computer and that is what caused the fi re. He did not even wake up to get out of the bed he died of carbon monoxide.
The reason I writing this to all of you is that I have seen all of us using our lap top in bed. Let us all decide and make it a practice not to do that. Risk is real. Let us make it a rule not to use lap top in bed or put computer on bed with blankets and pillows around.
What a way to learn a lesson?
Monday, July 5, 2010
Why Women cry A little boy asked (story)
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.
Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said:
"When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world,
yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."
"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.
Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said:
"When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world,
yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."
Sunday, July 4, 2010
- Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.
- Do you know why a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rearview Mirror is so small?
Because our PAST is not as important as ur FUTURE. Look Ahead and Move on.
Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.
- All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.
- Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!
- Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
- When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.
- A blind person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?"
He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"
- When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
- WORRYING does not take away tomorrows' TROUBLES, it takes away todays' PEACE.
Have a fruitful day!
- Do you know why a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rearview Mirror is so small?
Because our PAST is not as important as ur FUTURE. Look Ahead and Move on.
Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.
- All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.
- Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!
- Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
- When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.
- A blind person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?"
He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"
- When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
- WORRYING does not take away tomorrows' TROUBLES, it takes away todays' PEACE.
Have a fruitful day!
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