Physical or phycological abuse, threats, intimidation or harassment inflicted by a family member, significant other in a dating relationship, household, member (i.e roommates, floor mates, etc) or care taker relationship. Again a person need not be married or living together can be of the same sex/gender as the victim.
Battering is behaviour that is to establish power and control over the other person with whom an intimate relationship is or has been through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use violence. Battering happens when one person believes that they have entitled to control another.
Intimate partner violence is connected to the societal oppression of violence of women,children , people of color, people with disabilities, people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans, elders, and other marginalized groups.
Domestic violence may not only include the intimate partner relationships or spousal, live- in relationships and dating relationships, also familial, elder and child abuse may be present in a violent home. Abuse generally falls into one or more following categories: Physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, and generally increases over the period of time.
Victims of abuse may experience:
> Punched wall
> control of finances
> lying, using
> children to manipulate a parent's emotions
> intimidation
> isolation from family and friends
> fear
> shame
> criticism
> cuts
> crying and afraid children
> broken bones
> confusion
> forced sexual contact
> manipulation
> sexist comments
> yelling
> rages
> craziness
> harassment
> neglect
> shoving
> screaming
> jealously
> loss of self esteem
> coercion
> slammed doors
> abandonment
>silent treatment
> destruction of personal property
> unwanted touching
> name calling
> strangling
> ripping
> slapping
> bitting
> kicking
> bruises
> stalking
> scrapes
> depression
> sabotaging attendance at job or school
> brainwashing
> violence of pets
> pinching
> deprivation of physical and economic resources
> Public humiliation
> broken promises
> prevention of seeking medical and dental care
> ridicule
> restraining
> self- medication
> forced tickling
> threats to harm the family and friends
> threats to take away the children
> threats of being kicked out
> threats of being killed
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
First comes thought; then
organization of that
thought, into ideas
and plans; then
transformation of
those plans into reality.
The beginning, as you
will observe, is in your
organization of that
thought, into ideas
and plans; then
transformation of
those plans into reality.
The beginning, as you
will observe, is in your
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Occupational Violence
Occupational violence is the attempted or actual exercise by a person of any force so as to cause injury to a worker including any threatening statement or behaviour which gives a worker reasonable cause to believe he or she is at risk.
Following factors increase a worker's risk for workplace violence:
1) Contact with public
2) Delivery of passengers, goods or services.
3) Having a mobile workplace such as taxicab or police cruiser
4) Working with an unstable person in health care, social services or criminal justice settings.
5) Working alone or in small numbers
6) Working late at night or during early hours.
7) Working in high - crime violence
8) Guarding expensive goods
9) Working where alcohol is served.
Violent incidents in the workplace ordinarily follow some sort of "trigger" that pushes an already vulnerable person to take drastic action. Be wary of employees who start to behave in ways listed below:
1) They say they've been treated unfairly.
2) They say they're being forced to wait for something( a promotion, raise etc)
3) They show signs of mental instability.
4) They begin to isolate themselves, are thought as a loner
5) They have recently been disciplined for something.
Most employees with grievance don't become violent.
The following characteristics are the most common in those who commit workplace violence:
> History of violent behaviour . This increases any involvement with the criminal justice system.
> Upset with only having low-level tasks to do
> No job security
> Problems growing up, including bad grades in school, abusive parents etc.
> Substance abuse, including taking heavy medication ( drugs ,alcohol)
Violence has often occurred at meetings between managers and employees, especially if the employee is unhappy with the meeting. If you schedule a meeting with and employee and you feel that the employee may become violent, you may want to take these steps:
> Don't let the employee know that a meeting is scheduled - take them by surprise so that they don't have time to prepare.
> Have someone else present.
> When employees are being evaluated, make sure that good things are being said about them as well.
> Never attack an employee- this includes insults and yelling at them.
> Always remain calm when you talk
> Make sure that you have good distance between yourself and the employee
> Make sure that security can easily be reached
> Stay close to the door incase you choose to quickly leave.
Following factors increase a worker's risk for workplace violence:
1) Contact with public
2) Delivery of passengers, goods or services.
3) Having a mobile workplace such as taxicab or police cruiser
4) Working with an unstable person in health care, social services or criminal justice settings.
5) Working alone or in small numbers
6) Working late at night or during early hours.
7) Working in high - crime violence
8) Guarding expensive goods
9) Working where alcohol is served.
Violent incidents in the workplace ordinarily follow some sort of "trigger" that pushes an already vulnerable person to take drastic action. Be wary of employees who start to behave in ways listed below:
1) They say they've been treated unfairly.
2) They say they're being forced to wait for something( a promotion, raise etc)
3) They show signs of mental instability.
4) They begin to isolate themselves, are thought as a loner
5) They have recently been disciplined for something.
Most employees with grievance don't become violent.
The following characteristics are the most common in those who commit workplace violence:
> History of violent behaviour . This increases any involvement with the criminal justice system.
> Upset with only having low-level tasks to do
> No job security
> Problems growing up, including bad grades in school, abusive parents etc.
> Substance abuse, including taking heavy medication ( drugs ,alcohol)
Violence has often occurred at meetings between managers and employees, especially if the employee is unhappy with the meeting. If you schedule a meeting with and employee and you feel that the employee may become violent, you may want to take these steps:
> Don't let the employee know that a meeting is scheduled - take them by surprise so that they don't have time to prepare.
> Have someone else present.
> When employees are being evaluated, make sure that good things are being said about them as well.
> Never attack an employee- this includes insults and yelling at them.
> Always remain calm when you talk
> Make sure that you have good distance between yourself and the employee
> Make sure that security can easily be reached
> Stay close to the door incase you choose to quickly leave.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Possible effects on children when they witness domestic violence
The children who witness domestic violence or are living in an environment where domestic violence occurs they experience a trauma as abused children.
The effects children undergo when they are witnessing domestic violence at their homes they become fearful, inhibited, aggressive, anti-social, with-drawn , anxious , depressed angry, confused and may also suffer from disturbed sleep, eating problems and they may face difficulties at school and problems in making friends. Children at times may feel caught up in between their parents and may find it difficult to talk to them.
Youngsters may exhibit taking risk such as taking drugs and alcohol , running away from home and getting involved in criminal behaviour. Young men will try to protect their mothers or they become abusive with their mothers as well. Young children may get injured if they try to intervence in the violence in their homes.
Please stop domestic violence in your homes so that no one in the family gets abused. Eg: Women and Children.
The effects children undergo when they are witnessing domestic violence at their homes they become fearful, inhibited, aggressive, anti-social, with-drawn , anxious , depressed angry, confused and may also suffer from disturbed sleep, eating problems and they may face difficulties at school and problems in making friends. Children at times may feel caught up in between their parents and may find it difficult to talk to them.
Youngsters may exhibit taking risk such as taking drugs and alcohol , running away from home and getting involved in criminal behaviour. Young men will try to protect their mothers or they become abusive with their mothers as well. Young children may get injured if they try to intervence in the violence in their homes.
Please stop domestic violence in your homes so that no one in the family gets abused. Eg: Women and Children.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
What is opportunity, and when does it knock? It never knocks. You can wait for whole lifetime, listening, hoping, and you will hear no knocking. None at all. You are opportunity, and you must knock on the door leading to your destiny. You prepare yourself to recognize opportunity, to pursue the size opportunity as you develop the strength of your personality, and build a self-image with which you are able to live- with your self-respect alive and growing.
Maxwell Maltz
Maxwell Maltz
Saturday, May 22, 2010
This happened in INDIA - Shimoga District in Karnataka
A 10 year old boy who had eaten pineapple about 15 daysback, fell sick, from the day he had eaten. Later when he had his Health check done,doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS. His parents couldn't believe it...Then the entire family under went a checkup None of them was found to be suffering from Aids. So the doctors checked again with the boy if he had eaten out....
The answer was 'yes' - he had had pineapple two weeks ago . Immediately a group from the hospital went to the pineapple vendor to check. They found the pineapple seller had many cuts on his fingers while cutting the fruit; his blood might have spread onto the fruit each time... When they had his blood checked, sure enough ..the guy was
suffering from AIDS but he himself was NOT aware. Unfortunately the boy is suffering from it now.
Please take care while u eat on the road side ( particularly tasty vada pav & Paani Puri )
and please share it with your everyone you may know.
SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE .......!!!!!
Be careful as we Indians can't avoid eating food from road
side vendors.
The answer was 'yes' - he had had pineapple two weeks ago . Immediately a group from the hospital went to the pineapple vendor to check. They found the pineapple seller had many cuts on his fingers while cutting the fruit; his blood might have spread onto the fruit each time... When they had his blood checked, sure enough ..the guy was
suffering from AIDS but he himself was NOT aware. Unfortunately the boy is suffering from it now.
Please take care while u eat on the road side ( particularly tasty vada pav & Paani Puri )
and please share it with your everyone you may know.
SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE .......!!!!!
Be careful as we Indians can't avoid eating food from road
side vendors.
Kindness in words
creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving
creates love.
creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving
creates love.
Friday, May 21, 2010
People are like stained-glass
windows. They sparkle
and shine when the sun
is out, but when the
darkness sets in,
their beauty is revealed
only if there is a light
from within.
windows. They sparkle
and shine when the sun
is out, but when the
darkness sets in,
their beauty is revealed
only if there is a light
from within.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A sister and her brother were inside a new Wal-Mart. The sister was
eight years of age and the brother seventeen years of age.. The brother
was trying to buy a present for his little sister because her birthday
was coming up.
As they were about to leave, she had to go to the bathroom. Her brother
showed her where the restrooms were and he began looking at earrings he
thought she might like for her birthday.
As he started to buy the earrings, he saw people running from the end of
the store screaming and yelling with fear. In the next moment he smelled
smoke and saw flames. He ran to his little sister as fast as he could
but when he got to the bathrooms, the fire was already blazing. He knew
he had to leave to make sure help was coming. When the fire trucks
arrived it was already too late.
They assured the family that there were no survivors.
Two days later the family got a call from the hospital. They told them
that they had someone there by the name of Sandy . They asked, 'How did
you get this number?' The hospital replied that the little girl had a
purse clutched in her little hand with a card that gave her name and
number on it. The family drove to the hospital to see their little
angel. While they thanked God for her survival, they noticed her arms
were burnt so severely they were both amputated and her face was burned
and she needed surgery. The family didn't have any health insurance and
very little money to cover the bill.
NOTE: Every time someone forwards this story, YAHOO will donate $2.00
towards the hospital bill.
Please forward this as 'Sad Wal-Mart Story'. God knows who you are.
Karma knows it could happen to you..
$2.00 off the hospital bill, that is a lot for two seconds of your
eight years of age and the brother seventeen years of age.. The brother
was trying to buy a present for his little sister because her birthday
was coming up.
As they were about to leave, she had to go to the bathroom. Her brother
showed her where the restrooms were and he began looking at earrings he
thought she might like for her birthday.
As he started to buy the earrings, he saw people running from the end of
the store screaming and yelling with fear. In the next moment he smelled
smoke and saw flames. He ran to his little sister as fast as he could
but when he got to the bathrooms, the fire was already blazing. He knew
he had to leave to make sure help was coming. When the fire trucks
arrived it was already too late.
They assured the family that there were no survivors.
Two days later the family got a call from the hospital. They told them
that they had someone there by the name of Sandy . They asked, 'How did
you get this number?' The hospital replied that the little girl had a
purse clutched in her little hand with a card that gave her name and
number on it. The family drove to the hospital to see their little
angel. While they thanked God for her survival, they noticed her arms
were burnt so severely they were both amputated and her face was burned
and she needed surgery. The family didn't have any health insurance and
very little money to cover the bill.
NOTE: Every time someone forwards this story, YAHOO will donate $2.00
towards the hospital bill.
Please forward this as 'Sad Wal-Mart Story'. God knows who you are.
Karma knows it could happen to you..
$2.00 off the hospital bill, that is a lot for two seconds of your
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
ATM Thiefs

Read carefully
It is those who have this
imperative demand for the
best in their natures, and
who will accept nothing
short of it, that holds
the banners of progress,
that set the standards,
the ideals for others.
imperative demand for the
best in their natures, and
who will accept nothing
short of it, that holds
the banners of progress,
that set the standards,
the ideals for others.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Love is a force more formidable
than any other. It is invisible- it
cannot be seen or measured, yet is
powerful enough to transform
you in a moment, and offer you
more joy than any material
possession could.
than any other. It is invisible- it
cannot be seen or measured, yet is
powerful enough to transform
you in a moment, and offer you
more joy than any material
possession could.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Problem Solving
To solve any problem, here are three
questions to ask yourself: First, what could I
do? Second, what could i read? And third,
who could I ask?
The real problem is usually two or three
questions deep. If you want to go after
someone's problem, be aware that most
people aren't going to reveal what the real
problem is after the first question.
Neil Armstrong once said, "You only have to
solve two problems when going to the moon:
first, how to get there; and second how to
get back. The key is don't leave until you
have solved both problems."
Never attack a problem without also
presenting a solution.
The best place to solve a problem is on
By Jim Rohn
questions to ask yourself: First, what could I
do? Second, what could i read? And third,
who could I ask?
The real problem is usually two or three
questions deep. If you want to go after
someone's problem, be aware that most
people aren't going to reveal what the real
problem is after the first question.
Neil Armstrong once said, "You only have to
solve two problems when going to the moon:
first, how to get there; and second how to
get back. The key is don't leave until you
have solved both problems."
Never attack a problem without also
presenting a solution.
The best place to solve a problem is on
By Jim Rohn
Monday, May 10, 2010
If you wish to find, you must search. Rarely
does a good idea interrupt you.
Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all
you need to open the door is just one more
good idea.
Ideas are information taking shape.
When a new idea comes our way, we must
put it on our mental scales and weigh it
carefully before deciding its value.
One of the secrets to success is ideas mixed
with inspiration.
Nothing is more powerful for your future
than being a gatherer of good ideas and
information. That's called doing your
home work.
does a good idea interrupt you.
Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all
you need to open the door is just one more
good idea.
Ideas are information taking shape.
When a new idea comes our way, we must
put it on our mental scales and weigh it
carefully before deciding its value.
One of the secrets to success is ideas mixed
with inspiration.
Nothing is more powerful for your future
than being a gatherer of good ideas and
information. That's called doing your
home work.
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